Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hectic Life...

So, I haven't posted in a few, like always I really need to like write on a calender when to post. :D

I was planning on getting married on Halloween but my fiance's Grandfather became very very ill and is in the hospital.
So out of respect for him and his family I gave him the choice to postpone. I think he was very relieved that him and his family could stay by his grandfathers side and grieve without having to stress about the upcoming nuptials. So we are postponing... I'm a lil bummed but I know it's a good choice.

I hope to be posting more and keeping everyone updated on my wedding status and my DIY projects. I have a lot done but I have to say I was quite the slacker and a lot wasn't finished for the '09 wedding so the '10 wedding will be even better!!

I am also hoping to get some of my World of Warcraft necklaces and bracelets up on my Etsy. I was working on them for what seemed like forever and I kinda just got wrapped back up in raiding... I know.. bad.....

That said, I can not wait to get back into the swing of things.